Contract Pasting
Inserting a contract into your LightningBot will automatically retrieve the largest contract liquidity pool, its associated blockchain, and numerous other informative fields. The default fields include:
Contract Address
Liquidity Pool
Last Checked
Token Balance
Wallet Balance
Mainnet Gas Price
Chain TX Fees
Liquidity %
Market Cap
Token Taxes (if applicable)
Beneath the contract information, you'll find several quick access buttons arranged as follows:
Buy Menu
Track: Adds the trade to the tracked trades menu, accessible via "
-> Trades" or by using the/trades
command for quick access.Chart: Opens a link displaying the DexScreener chart.
Snipers: Opens the Snipers menu
Wallet: Displays the currently active wallet for the trade. By clicking the button, you can switch between your primary wallet and secondary wallets.
Buy <--> Sell: Toggles between the buy and sell menus.
Buy X Native: Prompts you to enter the amount of native cryptocurrency you intend to use when buying a token.
Ape Max: Triggers a maximum buy transaction, enabling you to acquire the maximum number of tokens.
Buy X Tokens: Asks you to enter the number of tokens you wish to buy.
Sell Menu
Chart: Opens a link displaying the DexScreener chart.
Advanced 🔜: Opens an advanced menu, letting you set up SL/TP/DCA Orders.
Wallet: Displays the currently active wallet for the trade. By clicking the button, you can switch between your primary wallet and secondary wallets.
Sell <--> Buy: Toggles between the sell and buy menus.
Approve: Approves the transaction prior to selling, provided that "Auto Approve" is not enabled in your wallet settings for that specific wallet.
Panic Sell: Sends a 100% sell transaction with maximum gas.
Sell X %: Requests the percentage of token holdings you wish to sell.
Fast Sell Button Presets: Clicking any of the buy buttons will attempt an immediate token sell. You can customize these buttons by navigating to "Wallets -> Select Chain -> Select Wallet -> Key Binds".
Sell X Native: Prompts you to enter the amount of native cryptocurrency you intend to sell for.
Sell Max Tx: Sends a 100% sell transaction.
Sell X Tokens: Requires you to specify the exact number of tokens you wish to sell.
Last updated